Fundamentals of Data Structure with C

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About Course

The “Fundamentals of Data Structures with C” course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of data structures and algorithms using the C programming language. Data structures are essential for organizing and managing data efficiently, and this course equips students with the knowledge and skills required to design and implement data structures and algorithms effectively.

What Will You Learn?

  • This course provides students with a strong foundation in data structures and algorithms using C as the programming language. It's suitable for aspiring software developers, computer science students, and anyone interested in building efficient and robust software applications. Please note that the course content and structure may vary depending on the institution or platform offering it. It's essential to check the specific details of the course you plan to take for the most accurate information.

Course Content

Introduction to Data structures
In this introductory module, we will lay the foundation for understanding data structures and their significance in computer science and programming. Data structures are essential for organizing, storing, and manipulating data efficiently, making them a fundamental concept for anyone aspiring to become a proficient programmer. This module will cover the basics of what data structures are, why they are important, and how they are classified.

  • Introduction to Data Structures
  • Introduction to Array
  • Module 1 Introduction to Data Structures

Introduction to Stack and Queue
This module is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of two essential data structures in computer science: stacks and queues. Stacks follow the last-in, first-out (LIFO) principle, while queues follow the first-in, first-out (FIFO) principle. Both data structures have a wide range of applications in programming and problem-solving. This module will cover the fundamentals of stacks and queues, their properties, common operations, and practical applications, with examples from real-world scenarios.

Module 3 Introduction to Link List
Welcome to the "Introduction to Linked Lists" module. Linked lists are fundamental data structures widely used in computer science and programming for managing data in a dynamic and flexible manner. This module serves as a foundational exploration of linked lists, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of their structure, properties, and applications. By the end of this module, you will be equipped with the knowledge to create, manipulate, and leverage linked lists effectively in your programming endeavors.

Module 4: Non-linear Data Structures-Trees
The "Non-linear Data Structures - Trees" module is an exploration of one of the most versatile and fundamental data structures in computer science - trees. Unlike linear data structures like arrays and linked lists, trees are non-linear and hierarchical, making them an essential tool for organizing and managing data efficiently. In this module, we delve deep into the world of trees, understanding their structure, properties, and various types. By the end of this module, you will have a solid grasp of trees and their applications, which are integral in algorithm design, database systems, and much more.

Module 5: Graph, Search & Sort
The "Graphs, Search & Sort" module is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of three fundamental topics in computer science: graphs, search algorithms, and sorting algorithms. These concepts are at the core of problem-solving and data manipulation in a wide range of applications, from social networks to data analysis and beyond. In this module, you will explore the intricacies of graphs, learn powerful search algorithms to navigate through data, and master sorting techniques for efficient data organization.

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