Microsoft Outlook Level 3

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Welcome to Microsoft Outlook Level 3: Advanced Techniques and Productivity Boosters! This course is designed for individuals who have a solid understanding of Outlook’s basic and intermediate features and are looking to further enhance their skills to become power users. Throughout this course, you will explore advanced techniques, productivity boosters, and time-saving strategies to streamline your workflow and maximize your efficiency with Microsoft Outlook.

What Will You Learn?

  • Advanced email management techniques, including using folders, categories, and search tools.
  • How to utilize Outlook's advanced calendar features, such as scheduling meetings, sharing calendars, and managing multiple time zones.
  • Strategies for effective task management, including creating and assigning tasks, setting reminders, and tracking task progress.
  • Tips and tricks for customizing Outlook settings, views, and preferences to suit individual preferences and workflow requirements.
  • Automation techniques using rules, Quick Steps, and macros to streamline repetitive tasks and increase efficiency.
  • Best practices for collaboration and communication using Outlook's shared features, such as shared calendars, folders, and meeting invites.

Course Content

Advanced Email Management

Advanced Calendar Management

Customization and Personalization

Task Management and Workflows

Advanced Communication Features

Integration with Other Applications

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