Fundamentals of Python for Analytics

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This program will provide an introduction to the fundamentals of Python for those interested in learning the language. The program is designed to provide an easy-to-follow yet comprehensive course for those who want to learn the basics of the language. The program covers the following topics:

1. Introduction to Python: This section will provide an introduction to the Python language, its basic syntax, data types, and control flow.

2. Variables and Operators: This section will cover the different types of variables and operators available in Python and how to use them.

3. Functions: This section will cover functions, including how to define them, use them, and pass arguments.

4. Classes and Objects: This section will cover classes and objects, including how to define them, use them, and access their attributes and methods.

5. Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries: This section will cover the different types of collections available in Python, including how to create and use them.

6. Control Flow: This section will cover the different types of control flow statements available in Python, including if/else, for, and while loops.

7. Exceptions: This section will cover exceptions and how to handle them in Python.

8. Modules: This section will cover how to use modules in Python, including how to import and use them.

9. Working with Files: This section will cover how to read and write data to and from files in Python.

10. Working with External Libraries: This section will cover how to use third-party libraries in Python.

11. Working with Web APIs: This section will cover how to interact with web APIs in Python.

12. Object-Oriented Programming: This section will cover the basics of object-oriented programming in Python, including classes, inheritance, and abstraction.

Each section will include interactive activities and quizzes to help reinforce the material. After completing the course, students will have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of Python and be able to write basic Python programs. The program also includes additional resources, such as a glossary of Python terms, a list of best practices, and links to further reading. The program is designed to be self-paced, and each section can be completed at the student’s own pace. The program is also suitable for those with prior programming experience, as the material is presented in an easy-to-follow format. Overall, this program provides an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of Python, making it ideal for those who want to learn the language.

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Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Python

  • Getting Started with Python
  • Installation and Envrionmental Setup
  • IDEs for Python
  • Features of Python
  • Identifiers and Variables
  • Standard Data Types: Numbers and Strings
  • Standard Data Types: Lists and Tuples
  • Standard Data Types: Dictionary
  • Standard Data Types: Sets and Frozensets

Module 2: Basic building blocks of Python Programming

Module 3: Functions, Modules and Object Oriented Concepts

Module 4: Libraries in Python

Module 5: Handling Data in Python

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